Alert about the use of illegal agrochemicals in the cultivation of table grapes – El Sol de México

The application of illegal agrochemicals in the cultivation of the vine puts the health of agricultural workers and consumers at risk, in addition to compromising the production of grapes, so it is necessary to strengthen surveillance and control in their use.

This was denounced by the president of the Mexican Union of Agrochemical Manufacturers and Formulators (UNFFAAC), Luis Eduardo González Cepeda, who warned that certain producers use illegal substances that they claim contain hydrogen cyanamide, essential for grape cultivation.

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But they lack the Coordinated Sanitary Registry, which is mandatory on the label, issued by the Federal Commission for Protection against Sanitary Risks (Cofepris), with the technical opinion of the National Agri-Food Health, Safety and Quality Service (Senasica) and the Secretariat Environment and Natural Resources (Semarnat).

Said sanitary registry guarantees the safety and quality of the product, pointed out the expert in crop protection.

He explained that the cultivation of table grapes plays an essential role in the economy of several states such as Sonora, which registered sales of 288 thousand tons for a value of 5 thousand 638 million pesos. This represents 90.4 percent of the total value of national production.

In addition, Mexico exported grapes to 17 nations. The United States is the main buyer with an amount of 320 million dollars.

The engineer González Cepeda urgently demanded to strengthen surveillance and control in the use of agrochemicals. “It is critical that these products are registered and approved to ensure the safety of consumers and producers.”

It recommended that hydrogen cyanamide, in particular, be used only after verifying its Coordinated Sanitary Registry, which can be verified on the official Cofepris website: (

And he also pointed out the urgent need for coordination between Senasica, the Health and Environment Secretariats, which is essential to guarantee food safety and the use of legal and safe agrochemical products.

The president of the UMFFAAC highlighted that field studies have to be carried out to find out what substances the producers use and thus have a more rigorous control over whether the agrochemicals used are legal.

He specified that there are self-service stores that require agricultural producers to provide proof that the agrochemical used in the crop was legally purchased. If this document is not delivered, the product is not marketed by the establishment.

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“We press for the certifiers of the cultivation process to request invoices from agricultural producers. This way we will be able to identify if the product was purchased in a formal establishment”, he said.

The UMFFAAAC issued a health alert so that producers do not use illegal hydrogen cyanamide.

2023-08-27 22:14:54
#Alert #illegal #agrochemicals #cultivation #table #grapes #Sol #México


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