Afyonkarahisar Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports Holds Meeting to Strengthen Volleyball and Basketball Branches

Afyonkarahisar Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports held an important meeting in order to further strengthen volleyball and basketball branches. Volleyball and basketball coaches came together at the meeting chaired by Provincial Director İsmail Hakkı Kasapoğlu.The main purpose of the meeting was to make volleyball and basketball branches more common among young people and to popularize sports. Afyonkarahisar Provincial Director of Youth and Sports İsmail Hakkı Kasapoğlu emphasized the importance of the meeting and stated that it was aimed to encourage young people to sports and to convey sports to more people. Kasapoğlu stated that they will continue to work on the development of branches in line with the opinions and suggestions of volleyball and basketball coaches.Source:
2023-08-09 08:28:33
#Afyonkarahisar #Provincial #Directorate #Youth #Sports #Organized #Volleyball #Basketball #Branches #Strengthening #Meeting #Sports


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