Adèle Excharopoulos Leaves Nude Scenes Behind: A New Chapter in Her Career

Actress among the most fashionable of her generation, Adèle Excharopoulos continues to chain filming ande garnish a little more an already particularly high-sounding CV. But if she has also been talked about for a few sulfurous and naked scenes in the past, the young woman has decided to draw a line under this part of her career. In 2022, she explained it bluntly.

Present on the poster of many films since its revelation ten years ago, Adèle Excharopoulos has a beautiful and long career which opens in front of it. Appreciated by spectators and the world of cinema, the native of Paris will always necessarily be linked to the film “La vie d’Adèle”, her first major role which revealed her to the general public.

This daring feature film, of which Léa Seydoux and herself have kept a painful memory of filming under the direction of Abdellatif Kechiche, is interspersed with several nude scenes, which saw Adèle Excharopoulos find herself in Eve’s outfit. A period now over for her, according to the words of the main interested party.

Nude scenes are over for Adèle Excharopoulos

In an interview with Vanity Fair in 2022, the actress explained that she no longer wanted to shoot this type of scene. Eager to break her image, and perhaps also not to be too systematically reduced to these sequences, the one who became a mother in 2017 has thought about the question carefully. And here is his explanation:

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Having a son gave me another form of modesty. It took me a while to ask myself this question. I also felt a form of weariness with nudity, I no longer wanted to see my body in the cinema. It’s too easy, not original, not exciting. And then in the most beautiful sex scenes in cinema, we don’t see much.

More broadly, and beyond the single subject of nudity, it is towards other roles and another palette that the actress wishes to move towards. Also during the same interview with Vanity Fair, she explained her reasoning as follows:

The directors perhaps didn’t realize it, one didn’t know that his neighbor was offering me the same thing, so I’m not accusing anyone. (…) You can’t allow yourself to make films with a semi-envy. Or you go for it. Or you’re not going. There are sometimes 4,000 people who dream of making this film, and who may have struggled more than you.

Aware of having arrived at both a new stage in her personal and professional life, Adèle Excharopoulos no longer wishes to give in to the “ease” of nude scenes. Let’s bet that the Parisian has found her happiness in the 5 films she shot in 2023, she who will also be showing Gilles Lellouche’s “L’amour ouf” in 2024.

2023-08-06 18:40:00
#Adèle #Excharopoulos #years #explains #stops #naked #scenes #had..


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