Yadian Martínez Signs Contract with Canadian Team Kitcherner Panthers in the Intercounty Baseball League

By José Alberto Portela

Mayabecan pitcher Yadian Martínez received welcome news on Friday, as his employment contract in North America became official, specifically in Canada with the Kitcherner Panthers.Announcements

The Kitcherner Panthers team is an independent Minor League outfit in the Intercounty Baseball League based in Kitcherner.

Founded in 1919, it was crowned 13 times in the League and they develop their challenges in the Jack Couch Baseball Park stadium.

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The agreement with the right born in Quivican was made public on the social networks of the institution:

“The 27-year-old is the current ace for Huracanes Mayabeque in the Cuban National Series and joins us with a strong reputation as a fierce competitor who consistently pulls off heavy innings workloads” noted the aforementioned publication.

In the post itself, the organization mentions the statistics of the last two seasons of Yadian Martínez, in which he obtained the lead in innings pitched.

Numbers of Yadian Martínez in Cuba

In the 62nd National Series, the right-hander achieved a record of seven wins and three losses, with a 3.53 earned run ERA, pitching for the Huracanes de Mayabeque.

Before this edition of the National Series, the ace of the western staff worked in six seasons, with a balance of 47 smiles, 40 trips and three saves.

The Mayabeque team could not reach the stage of the Cuban baseball playoffs, so Martínez was marginalized from taking part in these instances.

Canada and the Intercounty Baseball League has become the home of many West Indians who come to provide their services. Yadian Martínez’s turn arrived.

2023-07-21 19:53:02
#Yadian #Martínez #AGREED #CONTRACT


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