World Para Athletics Championships: the system and activations set up by EDF

Committed for more than 30 years to the promotion and development of the para-sports movement with the French Handisport Federation, and premium partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, EDF is present for the World Para Athletics Championships in Charléty.

Photo: Didier Echelard

EDF’s presence is manifested by activations undertaken to raise awareness of parasport among the general public (fun, educational and interactive events on the EDF stand, digital amplification of the results of athletes from Team EDF and the French team, relay of influencer), with the aim of democratizing these competitions, sharing the values ​​of the movement, and making the general public want to come back, with the Paris 2024 Paralympic Games in sight in a year, for which the stadiums must be full.

A player in sport for more than 30 years through its partnerships with 4 federations (canoeing, disabled sports, swimming and football) and through its support for high-level athletes via its Team, EDF became, in 2019, a premium partner of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, as a natural extension of this historic commitment. A pioneer in the integration of people with disabilities within the company, the Group has broadened this commitment by supporting the development of sports practice for people with disabilities, mainly by becoming a partner of the French Handisport Federation. EDF and the FFH, it’s more than 30 years of a common adventure, which has made it possible to develop the world of parasport, through a commitment to promoting, mediatizing and democratizing the Paralympic movement. .

Despite notable advances, disability, even approached through sport, is far from being a trivial issue. This is why EDF continues to invest, in order to give impetus to parasport, and to popularize this subject.

Each parasport competition is an opportunity for EDF to recall that parasport and the company have common values ​​and ambitions, and that it is through this diversity, thanks to the encounters that sport generates, that it is possible to further by learning from each other’s differences, PARAmour du sport: by overcoming prejudices, and seeing beyond appearances, to value the performance of para athletes as the exploits that they are.

To achieve these objectives, a comprehensive activation plan has been put in place for this event, as part of the PARAmour du sport campaign:

Team EDF :
During these World Championships, EDF particularly supports its 5 Team EDF athletes competing in the competition:
– Arnaud Assoumani: long jump
– Alexandra Nouchet: sprint and shot put
– Dimitri Pavadé: sprint and long jump
– Angelina Lanza: sprint and long jump
– Manon Genest: sprint and long jump
Their journey in the competition will be reported on the @energiedusport accounts and times to celebrate their (potential) medals are planned. On Thursday 13 July, other Team EDF champions such as Alain Bernard (swimming), Valentin Belaud (modern pentathlon) and Anne-Cécile Ciofani (rugby sevens) will come to support their teammates to strengthen the bonds of the collective and meet the general public to take part in the fervor of the event.

Photos : Didier Echelard


EDF will be present at the event with a stand in the Partner Village, offering fun and educational activities to spectators, around the practice of parasports, Team EDF athletes and the company’s commitments.
– Wheelchair racing simulation in virtual reality
– 180° videobooth in the colors of the campaign
– Interactive touch screen on Team EDF

Specific workshops will be organized during high points, in collaboration with the Play International association, to put children in a situation of sports practice with disabilities, to make young people aware of the change in their outlook on disability.

A dedicated communication plan will be put in place to promote the event, highlight the performances of the athletes of Team EDF and the French team, and highlight the values ​​of inclusion and sharing intrinsic to the event and common to the brand.

In addition, a mini web series centered around meetings, with Dimitri Pavadé, will also aim to show that it is through sharing and sport that we can change our view of disability.

Photo titre : Florent Perville


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