what happened, the reactions – Corriere.it

by Salvatore Riggio

Exchanges between rival clubs cause fans to debate. The Inter fans on Cuadrado: «It might be fine for me, but throw yourself in the right area». The Juventus players on Lukaku: “We don’t want him”

It seemed like a crazy market due to the rain of millions from Saudi Arabia, which has hit Serie A in recent weeks. Instead, it has become a session of negotiations, exchanges, purchases and sales, which makes the change even more controversial sudden jersey of footballers from one team to another, bitter rivals with each other. Exactly as is happening in these hours between Inter and Juventus, two clubs that don’t tell each other on and off the pitch. And here is the latest deal, in chronological order: the agreement found between the Nerazzurri and Cuadrado, the «number one enemy» among the Bianconeri. At the age of 35, the Colombian’s contract was not renewed by Juventus, and Inter and the player thought it best to find an understanding. Reached with a one-year contract for 2.5 million euros. News that the Inter fans didn’t take very well, who poured out on social media, venting all their anger (as well as their disbelief at what was happening).

“I read about Cuadrado at Inter, we no longer have an idea of ​​what is real,” writes a user. Or: “I checked 18 times that it wasn’t fake”, “It’s 150 degrees, but I think I read Cuadrado at Inter: it will certainly be the heat”. Up to the ironic: «It could be fine with me, but throw yourself in the right area», «Lukaku to Juve, Cuadrado to Inter. Next week Totti buys Lazio».

Without forgetting Lukaku’s about-face, who said goodbye to the Nerazzurri, after having dedicated only words and thoughts of love to them for months, because Juventus would be behind it. And here is the protest of the Juventus supporters at the Continassa: “We Lukaku do not want it”. The chorus sung this morning, Monday 17 July, outside the J Medical for the early season visits of some Juventus players. The stance of the Juventus fans goes hand in hand with the fury of the Nerazzurri for the betrayal of the Belgian, who already in 2019 after celebrating the 19th Scudetto around the city decided to return to Chelsea to earn more.

And how can we forget, on the other hand, the agitated start of the summer for the Milan fans following the farewell of Tonali, who was sold for 80 million euros to Newcastle. First they lashed out against the club for choosing to sell the midfielder, then they also took it out on the player for having accepted the maxi salary of eight million euros plus two in bonuses, after having sworn eternal love (him too). Or the anger, always from Milan fans, for the transfer market derbies lost with Inter as regards the salaries of Thuram and Frattesi.

Finally, PSG. It is a separate case compared to those just mentioned. They are fans who get angry easily: with Donnarumma, Verratti, Neymar and even Messi. They spare no one and Mbappé also risks, after the June letter in which he reiterated his willingness not to renew the contract expiring on June 30, 2024. While waiting for the champion’s return, however, the Parisians took it out on Vlahovic, market objective of president Nasser Al Khelaifi: “Vlahovic in Paris we will cut off your three fingers”, the content of the banner. The reason? They dispute the black and white’s use of exultation with the three fingers (thumb, index, middle) to which an ultra-nationalist meaning is attributed. Called the “Kuhnen” salute, the gesture is used today by neo-Nazi fringes. It has been in vogue in Serbia for centuries with the meaning of victory, typically also used in the celebrations of Serbian basketball players, with the three fingers representing the Christian trinity. And it didn’t end there. Because the protest is also based on a photo of Vlahovic together with Kostic and Mitrovic in which, in addition to making the three-finger gesture, he is wearing a T-shirt with a map of Serbia which also includes Kosovo. In short, for all the fans it is a really complicated market.

July 17, 2023 (change July 17, 2023 | 14:06)

2023-07-17 12:06:15
#happened #reactions #Corriere.it


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