Viennese Teams Metrostars and Wanderers Qualify for Baseball Bundesliga Playoffs

The two Viennese teams Metrostars and Wanderers prevailed in the Baseball Bundesliga against the Vorarlberg teams Hard Bulls and Dornbirn Indians and qualified for the upcoming playoffs in the Baseball Bundesliga.

The Hard Bulls were beaten by the Mery Rule 1:13 after eight innings in their first meeting with the Vienna Metrostars on Saturday. But it wasn’t as clear as the result was for a long time. Because the teams initially fought a real pitcher duel, only in the fifth inning did the Viennese take a 1-0 lead. It was a tight game until Jonas Zimmermann left the mound for the home side. The guests sensationally hit the Bulls-Reliever and suddenly recorded one run after the other. Seven runs in the eighth inning also meant the final score.

The Metrostars took the momentum into the second game, Sammy Hackl provided a highlight with a 3-run home run. Hard came up to 3:5 by the fourth inning, but three more runs by the Viennese made things clear again. In the ninth inning, the guests’ offensive was in full swing again and had a total of ten runs. In the end, the Metrostars won 20:7. The Viennese can no longer be pushed out of the top 4 and thus secured the 13th playoff qualification in a row – a record in the Baseball Bundesliga.

Wanderers turn both games against Dornbirn

The second Saturday double header between the Wanderers and Indians was much more exciting. Pitcher Daniel Walenta didn’t get off to a good start with the hosts, he had to accept five runs in the first two innings (stand 3:5) and was then traded for Fabian Hirnschal. Although he had to allow a run in the third inning, it was also the last of the game for Dornbirn. The home side were able to build up pressure again and again on the offensive, but mostly nothing countable came out. Going into the ninth inning, the Wanderers were trailing 4-6. When Indians pitcher Ryan Rupp left the mound, the game tipped in favor of the Viennese. With three runs they celebrated a walk-off win.

The defeat was doubly bitter for Dornbirn, who was in the playoff race. And in the second game of the day, the Vorarlbergers gave up the lead. Starting pitchers Lennard Halper and Shotaro Usui put on a solid performance as the visitors led 2-1 after the fifth inning. When Chris Squires took over at Dornirn am Mound, Wanderers initially managed to equalize – in the seventh inning they even turned the game around again: After a double from Jonathan Ellenbogen, Alexander Resel provided the go-ahead run to make it 3:2. The Indians never recovered from this setback and had to accept the second narrow defeat.

This means that there will be a showdown for the last remaining playoff spot in the Vorarlberg derby next weekend between Dornbirn and Hard.

2023-07-24 14:38:03
#Wins #Viennese #clubs


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