Victory for Lena Djeriou at the European Cup in Berlin

Details Published: July 30, 2023

After a three-year break, the European Cup for women and men U21 took place in the Sportforum in Berlin-Hohenschönhausen. A total of 288 starters from 29 nations took part.

For Lena Djeriou from 1. JC Samurai Offenbach, who started in the weight class – 52 kg, this was already the second victory in her career at an EC tournament. She won the final early against her Kazakh opponent Aruzhan Yerezhepova.

In the weight class up to 57 kg, Helene Riegert from JC Wiesbaden took third place.

In the weight class – 63 kg, Hanna Sedlmair from JC Wiesbaden also came third and Saraphina Muhammed from JC Kim-Chi Wiesbaden was fifth.

The HJV congratulates the Hessian participants on this great success.

Michael Blumenstein
Vice President Sports

Those: DJB
Foto: EJU/Stephan Steigmann

2023-07-30 22:08:01
#Lena #Djeriou #wins #European #Cup #Berlin


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