Victor Wembanyama’s Conviction and Unconventional Path to NBA Success

Despite his young age, Victor Wembanyama has always displayed great conviction in his actions and his words. A character trait shared by those around him, who could not have been clearer about an incessant debate on the French prodigy.

Unlike some young players who live from day to day and have rather vague goals, he has known exactly what he wants for years now. Victor Wembanyama did not wait to be selected with the 1st choice of the last NBA Draft to think about his future in the league. His convictions were already reflected in his various speeches delivered in recent months.

Aware of his immense potential, the 19-year-old French interior sets no limits and would ultimately be wrong to do so. After all, in view of the staggering predictions that can be read here and there on him in the league, his ceiling may well have never been reached by anyone. As such, it is out of the question for him or his clan to follow the well-trodden paths or the recommendations of anyone.

The big stop posed by the entourage of Victor Wembanyama

Long before his arrival in the United States and at Spurs, Wembanyama was asking observers around the world about his size. Announced too frail for the physical ordeal that awaits him in the NBA, the tricolor international would do well to gain a few pounds of muscle for a lot. However, in a recent interview with Marc J. Spears and Andscapehis agent, Bouna N’Diaye, cashed in on this idea:

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Did you find that a problem here in Vegas? No. People are wrong. We don’t worry about its weight at all. I don’t want him to take it. We’re going to fight so that he doesn’t have to take it. Making him take it would be a big mistake. We focus on strength and sheathing.

Closely followed by several experts for months, Victor would thus follow the appropriate diet to ensure his good health and success.

So don’t believe that Wemby will imitate a Giannis Antetokounmpo, who over time has become a mountain of muscles. Ndiaye even cites an example to follow quite distinct from that of the Greek Freak:

We were delighted that Victor is getting closer to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar who played until he was 41. This is the path we want him to follow. I’m very happy that they got closer because they have similar physiques. Kareem was not heavy. Victor is more mobile, flashy, and tall than Kareem. We obviously work on these differences every day, but we don’t want to make it heavier.

To see if the medical staff of San Antonio will share this opinion and will simply extend the work initiated by the nugget of Chesnay… without upsetting him too much.

Weighed at 95kg by the NBA, Victor Wembanyama obviously has no intention of breaking the 100kg mark in the near future. In any case, this is what Bouna Ndiaye assures, sufficiently well placed to be taken seriously on the issue!

2023-07-11 19:10:00
#rant #Wembanyama #clan #fight #he..


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