Uncovering the Value of 1 Peso Coins: The Rarity That Fetches Thousands

Coin collectors usually pay a fortune for different coins or bills that, due to some peculiarity, attract the attention of those who seek them and are able to pay a fortune, as is the case with 1 peso coins. See what they are and why.

How are the 1 peso coins are bought for $10 thousand pesos and where to sell them

According to collectors, it can be worth more than 10,000 pesos, depending on the buyer and also how the coin is sought. This 1 peso coin has the particularity that it was issued with a spelling error since instead of “provinces” it says “provingias”, and this means that it is paid much more than its face value, according to several Mercado Libre users.

2023-07-19 10:28:03
#peso #coins #bought #thousand #pesos #sell


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