Two young people dead and almost 30 injured by a shooting in Baltimore, USA

The Police have requested citizen help to find the perpetrator of the massacre

Two young people dead and almost thirty injured by a shooting in the American city of Baltimore

Three of the people who were transferred to hospital centers are in critical condition.

The perpetrator of the massacre has not been arrested and the Police have requested citizen help to find his whereabouts

A new shooting in the United States, this time in the town of Baltimorelet at least two young dead and almost one thirty wounded, three of them hospitalized in critical condition. The events occurred last night during a massive party.

A man, who still has not been arrested, burst into the celebration and opened fire for reasons that are so far unknown. The police have asked aid to citizenship to find the suspect in this massacre.


2023-07-02 13:59:59
#young #people #dead #injured #shooting #Baltimore #USA


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