This Sunday the Crossing of the Whalers is celebrated with two distances and a new route

Monday, July 24, 2023, 09:27


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This weekend the calendar of open water events continues with the celebration of the third edition of the Whalers’ Voyage. The test will take place this Sunday from 9.15 am. This is a voyage that, as in previous years, continues to explore the corners formerly used by Basque whalers, although it does so by changing the route due to logistical problems.

On this occasion, swimmers are offered the possibility of choosing between two distances: 2,500 meters or 4,000 meters. In both cases, the start will take place from the mouth of the San Sebastián pier, from which point the participants must go around Mount Urgull, cross the mouth of the Urumea river and reach Zurriola beach.

Image with the two routes that can be done on the journey.

The journey has a registration limit of 500 participants and from the organization they indicate that registrations are still open on the test website. The use of neoprene is allowed.

Women in Movement

The Sports Department of the Gipuzkoa Provincial Council participates in this initiative through the Emakumeok Mugimenduan programme.

Goizane Álvarez, deputy for Sports and promoter of the Emukumeok Mugimenduan program, recalled in the presentation of the test that “in access to sports physical activity there is a gender gap that we have not yet finished resolving. The objective of the Emakumeok Mugimenduan program is to inspire those women who are inactive or who continue to encounter barriers when it comes to doing sports, and the Whaling Voyage is a good opportunity for them to get excited and participate.”

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2023-07-24 07:27:40
#Sunday #Crossing #Whalers #celebrated #distances #route


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