The Unification of the Saints: Celebrating Mary of Bethany, Mary Magdalene, and Martha

Published: Saturday, 22 July 2023 – Newsroom

The column of Saints celebrated by the Church

The Latin Church used to unite in the liturgy the three distinct women mentioned in the Gospel and whom the Greek liturgy commemorates separately: Mary of Bethany, sister of Lazarus and Martha and Mary Magdalene or Magdala, miraculously healed by Jesus, whom she followed and assisted with the other women until the crucifixion and had the privilege of seeing resurrected.

The identification of the three women was facilitated by the name Maria common to at least two and by the sentence of Saint Gregory the Great who saw one and the same woman indicated in all the evangelical passages. The editors of the new calendar, reconfirming the memory of only one Mary Magdalene without any other indication, such as the adjective “penitent”, intended to celebrate the holy woman to whom Jesus appeared after the Resurrection. This is the Magdalene whom the Church commemorates today and who, according to an ancient Greek tradition, went to live in Ephesus, where she died.

2023-07-22 11:47:45
#July #Saint #Day #Saint #Mary #Magdalene


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