The Unfortunate Birthday Surprise: Green Bay Packers Release Jonathan Garvin

American football is the king sport on the other side of the Atlantic. While some players are superstars and enjoy extraordinary popularity, for others it’s a bit more of a hassle. Finding a place in the workforce is terribly complicated. But they’re still men like you and me, and one day a year is their birthday. The opportunity to celebrate and take a breather. But we celebrate it in a weird way in Wisconsin.

Smile for the camera Jonathan Garvin!

Don’t know Jonathan Garvin? No one is going to blame you. Linebacker drafted in the depths of the 2020 draft by the Packers, he has been one of the cheeseheads for 3 years. Don’t blame me, that’s literally the nickname of the team. With his 38 games played, he has the typical profile of the reserve player, who returns from time to time to blow the holders in defense. But staying 3 years is not easy in the NFL, so this July 28, 2023 is a bit of fresh air for him: it’s his birthday.

So, for his 24th birthday, the Green Bay Franchise social media teams are giving him a nice little post.

This must warm the heart of number 53. A feeling of belonging to his team, he who is not a superstar. So when 3 hours later, Packers management asks him to come up to his office, the thriller has to be pounding. Surprise from the team? Birthday cake? We are right during the resumption of training, a little team building wouldn’t hurt…

An unforgettable surprise.

Better than that. For his 24th birthday, the Green Bay Packers gave Jonathan…. his freedom. Fired from the team. The day of his birthday. 3 hours after the post on social networks. Smile, it’s your birthday!

Communication had to go badly between the different departments of the Packers. The happy birthday post has since been deleted.

But the Internet does not forget. The internet never forgets.

2023-07-29 08:14:22
#NFL #sublime #birthday #gift #Green #Bay #Packers


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