The Transfer Saga: Mbappe’s Shocking Departure and Joao Felix’s Potential Replacement

The culebron Mbappe has taken a surprising turn in the last few hours. Kylian He has not entered the squad list of the PSG for the tour Japan and directly the French club has put him up for sale. Among other things because they believe that they could have an agreement with the Real Madrid. A movement that can solve a problem in the Atletico Madrid.

And it is that right now in the event that Mbappe get out of PSG one of the possible replacements is Joao Felix. in his day jorge mendes He offered it, and the player is liked by Luis Enrique, who is the new coach of the Parisian team, but at the club they explained to him that in order for him to arrive earlier they had to leave Kylian o Neymar. Now everything indicates that the French striker is on the starting ramp…

A solution that could help unravel a serious problem in the Atletico Madrid. Why Joao He wants to leave but has not come to the club with any offer that allows him to leave. Above the last assignment of him in the Chelsea has caused a devaluation of the player that has torpedoed the interest of some big players Europa.

Meanwhile in the club they know that the situation with the Cholo It is not the best, they look for a way out and are open to negotiating with whoever is interested. But they are very clear that they are not willing to give away a footballer who cost him 127 million euros on his day and who is only 23 years old. Right now in the offices of the Metropolitan They would let him go for 80 million euros.

The big surprise

Talk about Barcelona…

A few days ago, the Portuguese surprised everyone in an interview he gave to Fabrizio Romano, an interview that by the way the mattress club had not authorized. “Barcelona has always been my first choice and I would love to join Barça. It was always my dream since I was a child. If it happens, it will be a dream come true for me, ”he confessed, placing the Barça club as the main destination for the player.

Some statements that are preceded by the great relationship they have jorge mendesyour agent, and John LaportaIn fact, the Barca president has indicated several times that he “loves it” Joao Felix. But right now the player is not a priority for the coach Xavi Hernandez as we have explained in MD.

The serious economic problems of Barcelona They make the operation too complicated. The transfer is completely ruled out, and in the event of being transferred the Atlético I would ask for around 20 million euros. Close figures for which he went to Chelsea last campaign.

Although from Barcelona in any case they would consider an exchange for players like Ferran Torres o Kessie. Although the priority in Camp Nou Right now it is selling players to be able to register renewals and new signings. Right now they can’t.

Other options

After having said no to Premier teams like Aston Villa o Wolverhampton for not playing the Champions Leaguea Joao one of the last bullets he would have left would be the Benfica. A return home in the form of a loan to gain value and return to play the highest continental competition with which he is obsessed.

While the operation exited Joao Felix is still stranded, we’ll see if the soap opera Mbappe ends up having a special collaboration. For now, the next chapter will be to see if the Boy gets on the plane to play the tour of South Korea, United States y Mexico that Atlético starts next Monday. Taking him would be a double-edged sword because he could be revalued or his valuation could definitely fall.

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2023-07-22 15:22:19
#door #opened #Joao #Félix


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