The Rise of James George: From Mare Fuori to New Projects

“We loved you in Mare Fuori, we can’t wait to see you in other new projects” thus opens with the clip welcoming James George the meeting in the audience with the giffoners, as well as big fans of one of the TV series that has had the greatest success among the very young. He does no wrong to anyone by calling him one of the most talented actors of the new generation. He exploded onto the screens with a “bad” character, the boss Ciro Ricci who not only is not close to him at all, but who he has never really abandoned, despite ending his last days inside the IPM in which he finds himself a prisoner, returning with a series of flashbacks which he himself confirms – between his teeth – will be repeated in the next season that has just been filmed: “A piece of me lives inside Ciro and vice versa, a role so three-dimensional that I would like it to be explored in a spin-off”. The boys themselves confirm that they are so attached to that character, rather than hating him for all the evil he does. “Why? I myself was fascinated by the wildlings from a very young age, even compared to the great films of the past, I grew up watching the Godfather, Scarface or Carlito’s Way. In short, characters that are a little borderline, but the other most interesting aspect is discovering the human being behind the villain”. Ciro himself, in his own way, has a love for which he loses his head (Viola), when he is about to die he becomes a child again, he remains tied to a father he would never want to lose. “I don’t believe in social distinctions or that one is born a certain way in life, like the good guys and the bad guys you mark on the blackboard. It matters a lot the family that sends you, if you’re luckier. If you think about it, Ciro is a scared boy”. And fear can drive a weaker boy to follow bad examples – “But I’m not afraid that Ciro is an example to emulate, even if for fun, the message that Mare Fuori gives is very clear: evil must not go unpunished. If you do those things, that’s the end of you.” He felt he was doing something important that would leave a mark, but in this case the reality far surpassed the imagination. “The outline has changed, but I haven’t changed internally. Even if I studied hard to get here, it’s not this success that counts as much as awareness: neorealism teaches that you can recognize a unique talent even on the beach in the crowd, and realize that this is the only reason you have a great responsibility towards those who try to make it, but fail”. His spark struck in an open-air cinema, in the summer, at a time when he wanted to escape from a not exactly happy period of which she recounts: “Even now, when I have a critical moment, I watch a movie. Cinema has an absolute imaginative power that manages to transport you to a dimension that oscillates between the real and the surreal”. Even towards the theater he confesses a spasmodic passion that overwhelmed him when he was just six years old. “I was playing a mask, Pulcinella, and I thought if this is being an actor, I want to do it for the rest of my life. You do this job driven by something else which in turn moves you inside. If I had only aspired to become famous, I would have chosen the quickest and also the easiest path, see Men and Women – standing ovation from the jurors – and, instead, I chose another goal, that is to ask people to dedicate their time to me for a few hours, the most precious thing “. And he also dispenses some advice to the future insiders who sit in front of him: “Take inspiration from a column from the past. If you want to grow up, you have to admire the grown-ups. A bit like with archery, if you shoot and shoot without aiming the target, you never hit the target”. For the more curious, he also gives some directing and set lessons, explaining the difference between long shots and dead-shots. During the year, other series and films are in production that see Giacomo as the protagonist in “We are legend” a Rai and Prime Video co-production and “For Elisa” directed by Marco Pontecorvo which recounts one of the most shocking crime events that have occurred recently: the murder of Elisa Claps. Here he had the opportunity to measure me in a committed role, putting himself in the shoes of a 50-year-old man (Luciano Claps, Elisa’s brother) who he met, looked into her eyes, going through her pain “and who tells you: I was like that”. He is currently busy on the set of other projects, if next spring we see him compete in the Netflix crime series “Sara”, alongside a very good Teresa Colangelo, in January he will be in a white coat in the new season of Doc: “Apparently, I’m lucky enough to move in and out of the big professional families.”

2023-07-23 17:58:00
#Ciro #Ricci #doesnt #fit #tightly #expect


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