The Rise of Frozen Shoulder in Younger Age Groups: Causes and Treatment Options

[메디컬투데이=김준수 기자] Frozen shoulder, which causes shoulder pain, mainly occurs in middle-aged and elderly people over the age of 50, but there are not a few young patients. According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, among patients diagnosed with frozen shoulders from 2018 to 2022, 720,000 people in their 30s account for 6%, and 1.99 million people in their 40s, accounting for 17% of the total number of patients, and only 23% of frozen shoulder patients in their 30s and 40s. .

The lower age group of patients with frozen shoulders is believed to be related to lifestyle. The cause is overuse of the shoulder while using a smartphone for a long time and exercising that puts strain on the shoulder such as gym, badminton, tennis, and golf.

Frozen shoulder is a disease that causes chronic pain and movement limitations in the shoulder joint. It is also called frozen shoulder and adhesive capsulitis, and it occurs in people over the age of 50, but it can appear regardless of age, and the number of young patients is also increasing, and even the words 30 and 40 shoulders have appeared.

The shoulder is the only part of our body that can rotate 360 ​​degrees and has a wide range of motion. However, when frozen shoulders occur, the pain in the shoulder area gradually worsens and the restriction of joint movement appears. The pain and discomfort are worse in the lying position, and night pain may cause sleep disturbance.

▲ According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, among patients diagnosed with frozen shoulder from 2018 to 2022, 720,000 people in their 30s account for 6%, and 1.99 million people in their 40s, accounting for 17% of the total number. Only 23% of patients in their 30s and 40s with frozen shoulders reach
Depending on the degree of progression, it is largely divided into a pain phase, a freezing phase, and a melting phase. In the pain phase, pain occurs intermittently, but motion of the arms and shoulders is possible because the joints are not stiff. During the freezing period, the pain is so severe that even when you are still, it becomes difficult to carry out daily activities.

When it reaches the melting phase, the stiffened joints are released, pain is reduced, and range of motion is partially improved. However, if inflammation in the joint capsule is left untreated, inflammation and adhesions can spread to other joints.

Even if the pain of frozen shoulder decreases through the dissolving period, movement restrictions may remain permanently if treatment is not performed properly. If the pain persists, it is important to restore full shoulder function through appropriate treatment in the early stages.

Treatment is carried out by diagnosing each individual’s pain pattern and range of motion in various ways. If you are in pain, first apply medications, injections, extracorporeal shock waves, and physical therapy to reduce pain and inflammation. Then, through manual therapy, joint motion is restored and the risk of recurrence is reduced.

Manual therapy is a treatment method in which the therapist corrects the twisted spine, joints, and surrounding muscles and ligaments in a manual way and balances the body. It is applied to treat not only frozen shoulder but also various musculoskeletal pain diseases.

Song Hyeon-geol, representative director of the Seoul Song Anesthesia and Pain Medicine Department, said, “If the cause of the pain is not properly identified, it will not improve even if you receive manual treatment.” Based on this, a customized manual treatment plan must be established to obtain proper results.”

Reporter Kim Junsu of Medical Today ([email protected])

[저작권자ⓒ 메디컬투데이. 무단전재-재배포 금지]

2023-07-28 08:26:43
#Customized #treatment #stage #shoulders #causing #shoulder #pain


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