“The pressure motivates me and Dépor is the ideal place”

Germán Parreño expressed this morning in his presentation as a new Deportivo footballer his willingness to “add” and contribute his “grain of sand” with the aim that “the club returns to where it deserves”. The Alicante goalkeeper accepts the challenge of fighting to defend Dépor’s goal despite the great responsibility that entails. “Personally, Pressure motivates me and is one of the keys when making the decision to leave a club where I had a current contract (Ibiza) and come. I am looking for an ambitious project, where I feel football every weekend, and I am in the most suitable place”explained in Abegondo.

The man from Alicante is prepared to compete for the position with Ian Mackay. “I come to a club with a very important project and in a club like this you need competition in all lines. It is the best to compete to the maximum and to achieve the objectives. The competition in each line is going to be maximum and that is going to be the best for Dépor”, stressed Germán Parreño, who sees Mackay prepared to start the new course after closing the last one with a last game to forget in Castellón. “We are dedicated to this and he has the experience and he has a huge back to follow. I have spoken with him and the feeling that he gives me is that he starts from scratch, he knows what he is doing, he has been there for many years and he does not give more hype than it really is, ”he settled.

Idiakez asks for “quality” from day one

The sports director, Fernando Soriano, accompanied Germán Parreño in his presentation and celebrated having “three very high-level goalkeepers”: Mackay, German and Alberto. “We will look for the greatest skills in each of the positions, not just in goal. I always sign reservations. I love signing players who know how to be on the bench because we are all prepared to start. I never offer or promise anyone to play, let alone at Deportivo, you have to earn that in training. From there, the coach is the one who decides”, argued Soriano this morning in Abegondo.

2023-07-20 09:29:47
#pressure #motivates #Dépor #ideal #place


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