The intruders are playing for time. The league management believes that they will start at home, but asylum in Pilsen is still at risk –

The intruders are playing for time. The league leaders believe they will start at home, but asylum in Pilsen is still at risk Hradec’s first match at the new stadium is not in danger, LFA believes Returning Hradec home in the fall would cause disproportion, said LFA boss | Embarrassment on the horizon, timely handover of the stadium is unlikely according to Hradec Hradecky deník – New stadium in Hradec: A question mark hangs over the approval date, asylum in Pilsen is at risk FotbalPortal.czSee everything about this topic in the Google News app
2023-07-20 22:13:54
#intruders #playing #time #league #management #believes #start #home #asylum #Pilsen #risk


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