The Hectic Transfer Saga: Enzo Fernández’s Journey from Benfica to Chelsea

The Argentine recalled the hectic week he lived while his transfer from Benfica to Chelsea was not closed, at the end of last season’s winter transfer market.

Enzo Fernández recalled, in an interview with BR Football, the transfer from Benfica to Chelsea, at the end of the winter transfer market, which went through several advances and retreats before finally being consummated for 121 million euros.

The Argentine international midfielder spoke of the hectic days he lived during that period, explaining that Benfica did not want him to leave immediately, while he wanted to make the jump to the Premier League and to a big club like Chelsea. Enzo even reveals that he spent a few days without sleep, due to the stress he experienced at the psychological level.

“It was a very intense week. The negotiations lasted a long time, there were many obstacles… Benfica didn’t want me to leave and it was a very stressful week, which demanded a lot from me on a psychological level. wanted. I wanted to take this leap to play in the Premier League and at a big club like Chelsea, which gave me the opportunity. It was sleepless days, anxious to know what was going to happen”, begins by saying the 22-year-old player.

“But it turned out to be worth it and I’m enjoying this moment a lot”, he concludes.

For Benfica, Enzo Fernandéz played 29 games, scoring four goals and providing six assists. With Chelsea’s jersey, he has played 22 games and assisted two, and has yet to score a goal.

2023-07-28 11:36:55
#wanted #jump #Benfica #didnt #leave..


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