Summer Course in Baja California Creates Pathway to Sports Careers for Children

Summer Course in Baja California Creates Pathway to Sports Careers for Children

In Tijuana, Mexicali and Ensenada, hundreds of girls and boys receive a summer course that can become the beginning of a successful sports career

COVE. – With the objective of activating and bringing sport closer to the development of children in Baja California, in addition to adding practitioners to the sports seedbed of the Institute of Sport and Physical Culture of Baja California, the INDEBC 2023 Vacation Plan continues successfully in Ensenada.

From August 17 to 4, the High Performance Center of the city of Ensenada is the venue for the summer course taught by highly trained personnel and INDEBC coaches, who, in addition to providing a quality service, analyze the physical abilities of children. with the intention of integrating them into sports talent development centers to turn them into the next stars of Baja Californian sports.

“One of the objectives of the summer course or vacation plan is undoubtedly to bring sports closer to children and that they are detected for the different disciplines that we work in the CAR, such as badminton, judo, fencing, fronton, table tennis , among other. That is why the importance of this event to promote and develop sports in the entity”, commented the coordinator of Physical Culture in Ensenada, Marisol Núñez Romero.

Girls and boys between the ages of 6 and 13 attend the INDEBC campus in the port of Ensenada from Monday to Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The INDEBC 2023 Vacation Plan is also taught at the Ciudad Deportiva de Mexicali and at the Tijuana High Performance Center.

2023-07-19 19:21:33


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