Sports Caravan Rolls into Villeurbanne with Activities for All Ages

For its 3rd week in the streets of the Metropolis, the sports caravan is packing its bags in Villeurbanne. It is on the Jean-Monnet esplanade in the heart of the Charpennes-Tonkin district that young people from Villeurbanne will be able to enjoy the various activities offered throughout the week from 3 to 8 p.m.

Sports activities, cooking workshops and disability awareness

Until next July 28, the eight educators and animators are preparing numerous activities. On the program, several sports activities with archery, boxing, sack racing, ball games but also a cooking workshop, where children can make and taste various gourmet recipes.

Disability awareness workshops will also be present. In particular, it will be possible to put yourself in the shoes of people with disabilities through several activities such as climbing with a blindfold, football on crutches or writing in Braille.

To end this week of entertainment, the Senario collective will come and offer a Brazilian batucada show this Friday at 6:30 p.m.

Free participation, registration on site. The children remain under the responsibility of the parents. From July 24 to 28, Esplanade de l’Europe Jean-Monnet, in Villeurbanne, from 3 to 8 p.m.

2023-07-24 17:29:00
#Metropolis #Lyon #sports #caravan #settles #Tonkin #Friday


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