Sportdeutschland.TV Makes a Massive Impact by Grabbing Rights to the US Open

The sports rake battle is getting fiercer and fiercer. More and more competitors are scrambling for more and more expensive transmission packages. Sky, DAZN & Co. have to fight for every live game. Even before the next competitor “Dyn” starts, another streaming service has now caused a hammer.

What was actually a small light in the live sports cosmos has blossomed into a real competitor for Sky, DAZN & Co. in one fell swoop. A prominent rights package goes to a service that hardly anyone had on the screen.

Sky, DAZN & Co.: Streaming service provides rights hammer

When major sports rights are awarded, they all get involved. Sky, DAZN, Amazon, RTL, MagentaSport, the public broadcasters and many other “big players” compete for the competitions that sports fans want to see. A streaming service had not really gotten involved in this bitter fight so far. That has now changed.

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“Sportdeutschland.TV” has been around for almost ten years. So far, however, the service provided by “DOSB New Media” was more for fans of fringe sports. You won’t find top football or Formula 1 races there. Instead, there are popular sports such as fistball, judo and squash. More popular sports such as handball or American football are also represented – but not the big games.

Sportdeutschland.TV grabs the US Open

Up to now you have been a little light. Until now. Because out of nowhere, the streaming service caused a bang. Sportdeutschland.TV has now announced that it has acquired all rights to the US Open. After 25 years, Eurosport loses one of the most prestigious tennis tournaments in the world.

More news:

All games up to the final, whether women’s, men’s, mixed or wheelchair tennis, will already be broadcast there in this year’s edition of the Grand Slam tournament. With this, Sportdeutschland catapulted itself onto the radar of sports fans in Germany. Sky, DAZN & Co. should not have escaped this coup either. It remains to be seen whether the rights hammer is the start of an offensive by Sportdeutschland.TV.

2023-07-31 05:41:04
#Sky #DAZN #shocked #competitor


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