Segway Polo World Championship Returns to Cologne: A Spectacular Event Celebrating Electromobility and Sustainability

Segway Polo World Championship for the third time in Cologne
The “SegwayPolo Deutschland eV” and the ISPA (International Segway Polo Association) are hosting the tenth World Championship in Segway Polo from Friday, July 14th to Sunday, July 16th, 2023 in the Müngersdorf sports park. Every two years, the world’s top teams compete in the “WOZ Challenge Cup” and choose their world champions. A colorful program frames the international duels on the Ostkampfbahn. The topics “electromobility” and “sustainability” are particularly in focus. Spectators are welcome to cheer on the world’s best teams. Admission is free.

In Segway polo, the players move exclusively on an electric scooter that balances itself automatically. The athletes hold on to the vehicle with one hand while the mallet is in the other hand. A game is divided into four “Chukka” (quarters) of eight minutes each and is played with five players each on the 20 x 60 meter field. The aim is to use the “mallets” to get the ten centimeter foam ball into the opponent’s goal.

The trend sports world championship is part of the brand umbrella of the “Cologne Sports Year”. Further information on this is available at:

The schedule of the WOZ Challenge Cup at a glance:

Friday, July 14, 2023, 11:11 a.m.: kick-off of the opening game, end of matchday around 5 p.m.Saturday, July 15, 2023, 10 a.m.: kick-off, end of matchday around 5 p.m.Sunday, July 16, 2023, 11 a.m.: kick-off, winner* indoor ceremony at 3.30 p.m.

Cologne health talks: “Early detection and prevention of dementia”
In cooperation with the Cologne adult education center (VHS), the Cologne City Health Department is offering the free event “Early detection and prevention of dementia” on Thursday, August 10, 2023, from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Due to demographic developments, a significant increase in dementia can be expected in many countries in the coming decades. In this context, early detection and prevention are becoming increasingly important. In Alzheimer’s disease in particular, advances have been made in early detection and prevention as a result of research developments, molecular therapy approaches and improvements in lifestyle.

Participating in the event:

dr medical Aya Rastamzadeh, Senior Physician, Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, Center for Memory Disorders, Cologne University Hospital – Martina Haneklau, Gerontopsychiatric specialist advice, Alexianer GmbH

Room: FORUM VHS and online course number: A-132135

Register here by stating the course number or via the customer center of the VHS Cologne: VHS customer center, Cäcilienstr. 35, 50667 Cologne, phone: 0221 / 221-25990, email.

Livestream link to the event.

The events can be followed online immediately without prior registration via the live stream link above. Participation in the online chat with questions and comments is also possible.

German Slowpitch-Softball Championship at the Jahnwiesen
The Cologne Baseball School is hosting the German Slowpitch Softball Championships on Saturday, July 15th and Sunday, July 16th, 2023 on the Jahnwiesen in the Müngersdorf sports park. The games start at 9 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday and admission is free. The disciplines “Coed” and “Mixed” will be played. Both types of games are characterized by cross-gender teams. In the “Coed” discipline, a team consists of five men and five women. In “Mixed” the teams are made up of at least two women and two men. A total of 14 teams compete for the title of German champion.

Slowpitch softball is a family-friendly variant of the professional versions of baseball (men) and softball (women). It is played on a smaller field and with a larger ball. Unlike in baseball, the ball is thrown from below the waist as an underhand throw. The German Slowpitch Softball Championship is part of the Cologne sports year, which in 2023 will again include around 30 sporting events of national and international interest. Current information on the Cologne sports year can be found here.

2023-07-12 09:15:08
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