Second Introduction to Archery for Adults Organized by the Municipality of Plémet

A second introduction to archery for adults, organized by the sports department of the municipality of Plémet, will take place on Monday July 10 at the Salle du Minerai, from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Under the aegis of Gaëlle Le Goaster and Alban Launay, qualified sports educators, participants will be able to learn the basics and safety rules, discover how to handle the bow and practice with targets. The first edition of this event took place on April 18 and was a great success with the population. Registrations are open at the town hall.


Information and registration at the town hall or at the sports department, tel. 06 46 14 10 79.

2023-07-03 15:55:08
#introduction #archery #Plémet


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