Russian Olympic Champion Elena Isinbayeva Moves to Canary Islands Amid Controversy

It is reported that Isinbayeva went to the Canary Islands on a cargo plane already on May 30. Since then, she has been staying in a luxury suite with her husband and two children.

The news about Isinbayeva’s move to the Canary Islands has also spread in Russia. State Duma representative and former speed skater Svetlana Zhurova stated in a conversation with “Championat” that she would like to talk to Isinbayeva about the specific situation.

“I don’t know if it’s true. There’s a lot of talk about her. Maybe she went on vacation with her children, because it’s summer now,” Zhurova said.

Isinbayeva has always been a big supporter of Putin in public. In the 2012 presidential “election”, she was one of Putin’s confidants. In 2015, she signed a five-year contract with the Russian army. She also holds the position of major in the Russian army.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy has announced that Isinbayeva has been sentenced to a 50-year ban on entering Ukraine, and all her assets in the country have been frozen.

Ismibaeva, despite her support for Russia’s criminal regime, has received permission to continue her work on the International Olympic Committee (IOC) athletes’ committee. The IOC based this decision on the fact that Isinbayeva won many medals during her career.

41-year-old Isinbayeva is considered the most successful pole vaulter of all time. During her career, she became a two-time Olympic champion, as well as three times triumphed in the world championships.


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