Running: What constitutes a sports-friendly diet

Running: What constitutes a sports-friendly diet

Yesterday I had another lucky moment: After a relaxed one-hour forest run on one of my favorite laps, I was looking forward to the refreshment afterwards. Especially during the warmest months of the year, as part of my tried and tested routine, I opened my well-stocked cool bag. Since my active days, my favorite thing to eat after training sessions is watermelon. Well sliced, fresh and chilled, there is nothing better. For me, this is pure enjoyment – ​​nothing ever tastes better than after physical exertion.

If you start rehydrating immediately and drink enough fluids, you give the body the opportunity to recover more quickly. After all, we are mainly made up of water and therefore need a lot of it in order to be able to function optimally. After very intensive training, easily digestible carbohydrates quickly replenish the energy depots in the muscles.

Sports-appropriate nutrition is of course more than that – what exactly?


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