René van der Gijp Fires Back at Sander Schimmelpenninck: A Look into Their Feud on VI

René van der Gijp has his own podcast KieftJansenEgmondGijp strongly lashed out at Sander Schimmelpenninck, who, after his sparse visit to Today Inside, once stated that Gijp ‘just can’t handle the level’.

Analyst looks back on feud with Sander Schimmelpenninck around VI

“Then you hear all those editors all the time saying: how can we involve René. We also have to give René a bit of the ball”, said Schimmelpenninck.

Van der Gijp now responds: “Schimmelpenninck said that the editors had asked him to also bring forward things that I could talk about. But here’s the thing: the editors ask me every morning if I have things I want to discuss.”


“I have that maybe three times in a week. So I sit there twice a week and then I have nothing. Then the editors hope that I can have a say in the things that Johan (Derksen, ed.) or the guest has stated. If they then ask Schimmelpenninck to bring something that René can also talk about, that’s not surprising, because I didn’t deliver anything. Then you join in. It always works out, even if you sit there and you had nothing.”

“Schimmelpenninck started calling our audience stupid right. What’s the point? I thought that was a bit crazy. You are not going to insult our people, are you?” Van der Gijp concludes.

Schimmelpenninck is annoying


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