Renato Tapia Close to Joining Olympique Lyonnais: A Boost for Les Gones

OL’s priority as a defensive midfielder, Renato Tapia could be the subject of a total agreement over the weekend. Excellent news for Les Gones, after the announced transfer from Caleta-Car.

Despite the constraints linked to the DNCG’s decision to regulate the club’s payroll and transfer compensation, the Olympique Lyonnais transfer window is taking shape. After quickly completing the arrivals of Clinton Mata and Skelly Alvero, the Rhone club is about to welcome two new players. In defense, an agreement is close regarding the arrival of Duje Caleta-Car from Southampton for around 5 million euros.

It is a similar sum that OL will have to pay to complete the arrival of Renato Tapia. The Peruvian international is still the club’s priority in this position and according to information from Relevo, an agreement is hoped for in the weekend between all parties. Saturday evening, Laurent Blanc’s men face Celta Vigo in a friendly and on the sidelines of this meeting, the leaders of the two clubs will discuss the transfer of Renato Tapia.

Agreement close for Renato Tapia at OL?

Optimism is in order since Celta Vigo expects a sum of between 4 and 6 million euros to tie up the file. However, the most difficult thing was to obtain the agreement of the player, who also has a proposal from Mallorca, which offers him the possibility of staying in Spain and therefore obtaining a Spanish residence permit. Despite this opportunity, Renato Tapia chose OL according to Relevo, who explains that the sporting project of Les Gones appeals to the Peruvian player, who therefore gave his preference to the team coached by Laurent Blanc.

Excellent news for recruitment director Matthieu Louis-Jean, who hopes to find a final agreement this Saturday with Celta Vigo and thus be able to formalize this arrival as soon as possible as well as that of Duje Caleta-Car. The Lyon workforce would then begin to take shape and become more and more quantitatively complete. It will then remain to be seen what the level of players such as Renato Tapia or “DCC” will be in the weeks to come.

2023-07-28 11:30:55
#Foot #rookies #transfer #window #finally #racing #Olympique #Lyonnais


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