puts the USA on the ropes but loses the final

spain brushed gold. He escaped due to small details after having the almighty United States on the ropes, who could not get away on the scoreboard at any time. The cradle of our basketball even clearly beat the Americans in the second quarter. Great image and emotion until the endwith an overturned WiZink and rubbing his eyes before the delivery of Canut’s girls, who touched extra time, cornered the Americans and showed that the generational change will not be traumatic.

Spain arrived at his third U-19 final with the backpack loaded with illusion. Along the way she had shattered the dreams of Australia, France, Argentina, Chinese Taipei, Lithuania and Canada. The ceiling, the runner-up in Thailand 2009 and in Chile 2011, losing those finals to the United States. Precisely, the Americans were the last rival, the last obstacle that stood between Bernat Canut’s girls and gold. A difficult Everest to climb taking into account that the United States has won eight of the last nine World Cups (in 2017 they lost the final against Russia).

There is no better way to start a game than with a triple. And it was what Spain did. he didn’t think about it Brito from the outside line to start by taking the lead. Brilliant first moments for Canut’s men, moving the ball well in attack until the Americans got their act together, toughened up their defense and honed their shots. Spain began to suffer on the rebound against a United States that did damage under the basket. A triple of Booker and a basket under the ring by Edwards at the end of the first quarter distanced the team from Taylor. Spain wasted the last attack to cut the 16-21.

Bernard Canute he was forced to call a timeout at three minutes. USA had scored five points, had six offensive rebounds and was leaving on the scoreboard. Had to stop the bleeding Iyana Martin He perfectly understood the instructions of his coach. If you can’t play inside, you have to look for the outside shot. The Asturian cut the gap with a triple. Between Awa Fam and Alicia Flórez they practically wiped out the difference. Spain seemed to have overcome the mini bird and was even ahead on the scoreboard (29-28). The Americans seemed surprised and bewildered, no one had stood up to them and Spain was. The rebound penalized again slightly to the locals, although a good defense in the last play allowed them to go to rest with a draw in the electronic, after winning the second quarter (18-13). Iyana Martín went to the showers with eleven points to her credit. All open. The WiZink kept dreaming.

maximum equality

The second half started the same as the first, with Martin and Family showing an excellent connection, although the Americans replied to all the baskets of the Spanish, pressing the marker, without demonstrating that superiority that they have exhibited throughout the tournament but giving the feeling that they were playing a gear below their possibilities. Spain had to work hard to score, the United States did it easily.

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And Taylor’s put that march in the last quarter but Spain played with one more player, WiZink. Taylor called a timeout with 3:46 to go and 61-62 on the scoreboard. took off there USA, hardening his defense and winning the rebound. Four points that did not intimidate the Spanish. With half a minute to go the game was in a draw (66-66). a basket of McMahon and a steal from Hidalgo decided the game and put an end to Spain’s dream in the cruelest way.

2023-07-23 21:02:15
#puts #USA #ropes #loses #final


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