Pre-Competitive Health Evaluations for Athletes in Entre Ríos: Ensuring Cardiovascular Safety for Evita Games Participants

The Ministry of Health of Entre Ríos, through the Coordination for the Prevention of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases (ECNT), the Cardiology service of the San Martín Hospital and the School Clinic, in coordination with the municipality of Paraná through its secretariat of Social, Inclusive and Community Policies, and the Undersecretaries of Health and Sports, began this Tuesday with pre-competitive evaluations for athletes who participate in the Evita games in different disciplines.

Medical check-ups and cardiovascular evaluation will take place on Tuesdays in July and August, in the afternoon, at the facilities of the Arturo Illia health center and the Paraná School Clinic, in the case of children and adolescents. ; while adults will do it at the San Martín hospital since they require more specific studies (a stress test is required). It should be noted that the population covered by this strategy reaches around 140 people, defined from a survey carried out by the municipality, who compete in swimming, soccer, futsal, badminton, among others.

The cardiovascular pre-participation sports evaluation (ECVPPD) is a cardiovascular health screening that is implemented in athletes, in order to identify athletes who suffer from cardiovascular disease or those with an increased risk of developing it, which may put their health at risk. during sports practice and even cause death. In this case, said evaluations will be carried out by the team of specialists and residents of the cardiology service of the San Martín de Paraná hospital, in charge of Dr. Gracia Luz Don.

Sudden death, in relation to sports activity, is the primary target of this strategy. Its incidence in our environment is unknown, but the existing data suggest that it is very rare. However, this tragic event seriously impacts the athlete and his environment. It is generally attributed to previously unsuspected cardiovascular, structural, or electrical pathology in most cases.

In this regard, the Undersecretary of Sports of the municipality of Paraná, Liliana Guzmán, stated: “For a long time we have been seeing that not all athletes in the federated sphere had completed the medical check-ups, so we did a survey and observed that approximately between 20 and 30 boys per institution had not completed their studies”.

He also commented that “we also had the request to do it with young people and adults, for which reason it was articulated with Health of the province, and today the controls are being carried out at the San Martín hospital.”

It is worth mentioning that prior to carrying out the check-ups, athletes must complete a form with the authorization of the father, mother or responsible adult and personal data of the athlete, who must then attend with the form, document and accompanied by an adult in case of being younger. In this instance, the physical examination is carried out and the personal and family history is consulted. Subsequently, the results are evaluated by cardiologists from the San Martín hospital.

2023-07-19 15:40:55
#province #municipality #Paraná #coordinate #health #controls #participants #Evita #games #News


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