Philipsen again! The Belgian sprinter recorded his fourth triumph at this year’s Tour de France –

Philipsen again! The Belgian sprinter recorded his fourth triumph at this year’s Tour de France Philipsen continues to rule. The Belgian managed another sprint and celebrates his fourth iDNES.cz11 at the Tour. stage: Van der Poel finally on himself? The hilly route to Moulins tempts another escape ČT sportPhilipsen wins for the fourth time. The Tour has no competition in the sprints RoadCycling.czTour de France 2023: Philipsen won the 11th stage again, Vingegaard leads iSport.czSee everything about this topic in the Google News app
2023-07-12 15:30:10
#Philipsen #Belgian #sprinter #recorded #fourth #triumph #years #Tour #France


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