Our cycling chief about the lack of help from Vingegaard for Van Aert: “200 meters of head work, would he have killed his chances of getting yellow?” | Wout van Aert

INTERVIEW. Looking for the person behind the Tour favourite: “It is much more difficult to be Wout van Aert than Jonas Vingegaard”

He is more economical with words than with wattages. But in his home village, between fields and fishing boats, Jonas Vingegaard (26) lets us look deeper into his heart for once. Now we know that the Tour favorite cries at movies, thinks he’s a slacker and has no say in the clothes he wears. But his competitors in the Tour better brace themselves for ‘Fnuggi’: “I like to make others suffer.”

2023-07-03 07:52:30
#cycling #chief #lack #Vingegaard #Van #Aert #meters #work #killed #chances #yellow #Wout #van #Aert


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