Osimhen renewal, it’s about salary and clause

Something is moving, the second meeting between Of Lawrence e Robert Calendathe attorney of Osimhenconfirmed the intention of the parties to do everything possible to keep the player a Napoli. The road is still long, the distances considerable but the commitment constant. The president knows very well that after the departures of Spalletti, Giuntoli e Kim, also losing the Nigerian would be a very hard blow to absorb, from a technical point of view and from the credibility of the project. At the same time, the player’s entourage is aware that they cannot ask for an engagement beyond the reach of the club’s parameters. This is being worked on.

Osimhen renewal, higher salary and clause

A solution could be the award Cavanii.e. guarantee one salary that comes close to the player’s requests and insert into contract a release clause more affordable than the request for 200 million. That is to put in the conditions Victor, next year to be able to choose. To bring the parties closer could also be a shared management of image rights, an exception to the rule already made previously for other blue players. In short, we continue to work, in the right direction, with the aim of closing as soon as possible, to remove bad thoughts from Victor’s head and prevent some big club from making an indispensable offer.

1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Osimhen #renewal #salary #clause


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