Omer Yurtseven Joins Utah Jazz: An Exciting New Stage in the NBA

Omer Yurtseven recently signed a two-year contract with the Utah Jazz. At 25 years old, he center The Uzbek begins a new stage in the NBA after two years in Miami that have helped him grow, but which in turn ended with a bittersweet taste due to an ankle injury that ultimately did not allow him to play more than nine games in the 2022-23 campaign. Now he comes to Salt Lake City with enthusiasm, although he still does not know what role those of the Western Conference have destined for him.

«I don’t know yet, but I met with coach Will Hardy and I also spoke with Danny Ainge (CEO). We haven’t talked about my role, but we have time for it over the summer. We will keep in touch and we will go from that point to be able to understand exactly what they want from me and execute it, “he said in statements to Alex Vejar de The Salt Lake Tribune.

Although in the last season he could not play much, Yurtseven did show himself as an internal strength in the 2021-22 campaign. In 56 games under Erik Spoeltstra, he averaged 5.3 points and 5.3 rebounds in just 12.9 minutes a night.

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(Photo by Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images)

2023-07-25 08:00:00
#Omer #Yurtseven #Utah


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