North Korea to Send Athletes to International Sporting Event for the First Time Since 2018

North Korea is set to send athletes to a major international sporting event for the first time since the 2018 Asian Games in Jakarta and Palembang as it eases coronavirus restrictions and reopens its borders.

South Korea’s Yonhap news agency reported on Sunday that the North has entered seven judokas to compete in the September 23-October 8 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China – three men and four women, all in their 20s. years.

Among them, Kim Chol Gwang won silver and bronze medals in competitions organized by the International Judo Federation, Yonhap said, adding that North Korean athletes are also expected to participate in other sports such as soccer. , women’s volleyball and wrestling.

Photo taken on June 29, 2023 shows the main stadium of the 2023 Asian Games in Hangzhou, China. (Essonne News)

Féliciane is one of the talented editors of Essonneinfo. She has written for the site since its launch, and has become a well-known figure in the industry for her skillful reporting and unique take on stories. Féliciane’s main hobby is travelling. Her passion for travel has allowed her to write in-depth articles on cultures around the world.

2023-07-30 10:29:50
#North #Korea #registers #judokas #Asian #Games #report


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