NBA Introduces In-Game Flopping Penalty, Lester Quinones Becomes First Player to Receive Technical Foul

Lester Quinones made history by becoming the first player to receive a technical foul for flopping last night during the Warriors-Kings game.

As mentioned, the NBA is testing a new way to punish floppers in the middle of a game.

The league also announces that the rule will be applied during all summer leagues. In this case, if the referees decide to punish a player for having exaggerated a contact, the opposing team will receive a free throw plus possession, while the sanctioned player will receive a technical foul.

The referees do not even need to stop the game, the sanction applying to the next stoppage of play.

A means of calming the followers of the “flopping” undoubtedly more effective than the warnings and the fines distributed a posteriori. If the rule works well, we imagine that it will quickly be implemented in the NBA.

2023-07-04 19:24:00
#NBA #tests #rule #flopping #Summer #League


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