Munich Mash: Spectacular BMX show by Brite Reilly

Status: 07/01/2023 10:28 p.m

Actually, only one trick would have been enough at the Munich Mash to win the BMX competition “Best Trick”. But Kieran Reilly sent a whole range of spectacular jumps into the race. The question remained, which of them will be the winning jump.

It was the Kieran Reilly show. At the Munich Mash in Munich’s Olympic Park, the BMX riders were looking for the best trick. And the young Brit delivered four jumps in the 20-minute session that deserved this award. Even the double flair, i.e. a double rollover, rounded off with a half turn, could have secured Reilly the winner’s medal.

Spins and somersaults – Reilly shows the whole range

But the 20-year-old Brit went one better – triple tailwhip with barspin – means: In the jump he twisted the BMX around his handlebars, sat on the saddle and twisted the handlebars around himself again. After the show on Saturday he’s leaving also as a favorite in the men’s BMX final on Sunday, July 2nd (from 2.15 p.m. live in the stream on BR24Sport).

In the “Best Trick” only one trick counts. For this, the athletes have several attempts. The riders take turns going onto the ramps, trying to land their tricks as cleanly and spectacularly as possible. After 20 minutes it’s over and the judges decide who won. This Saturday the winner was clear. The only difficult thing was deciding which of Reilly’s many tricks was the best.

Tobias Freigang falls and struggles

For Tobias Freigang, who is considered the best German BMX rider, the competition did not go as desired. He wanted to combine his trick with a wall ride. But Freigang fell painfully during one of his first attempts and was then unable to land his trick as he wanted.

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Source: Blickpunkt Sport 01.07.2023 – 5 p.m


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