Montat Judo Club Concludes Sports Year with Belts Awarded to Young and Old

Tuesday, June 20, the Montat judo club ended its sports year with its general assembly and especially with the awarding of belts to young and old. As usual, a unique lesson was offered by Benoît, technical director. Then, each judoka demonstrated, in front of his parents, what he could do on a tatami with fights standing and on the ground but always friendly. The managers of the office under the good and dynamic management of Patrice Calas, the president, set out their moral and financial report on the past year; a unanimous favorable vote of the members present was pronounced. They were warmly thanked for their work and for their participation in the life of the club. The Montat judo club is a big family. The most anticipated moment was the presentation of the belts. All the colors have been distributed and many little ones, in the evening, will sleep with their new belt around their waists. Benoît made it clear that the belt is given not only for the result of the work and the progress in the movements but also and above all for the respect of the moral code of judo. And to end this day, a dinner aperitif was offered and it was mainly the parents who prepared the essentials. Thanks to them… This annual evening is always so convivial, friendly and to be renewed… See you next year, September 12th.

2023-07-02 03:30:59
#Mount #judo #club #hands #belts


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