Mombaroccio Celebrates Eighth Centenary of Franciscan Friars at Sanctuary of the Blessed Sante

MOMBAROCCIO – The two days of celebrations are underway, Saturday 22 and Sunday 23, in honor of the eighth centenary of the presence of the Franciscan friars minor in the Sanctuary of the Blessed Sante in Mombaroccio.

On the occasion of the final day of celebrations, Sunday 23, there will be a large participation from the world of institutions and law enforcement agencies. The Frati del Beato Sante and the Il Sole nel Cuore Association, with the knight Damiano Bartocetti, commissioner in charge of the initiatives, will welcome the numerous expected guests: the parliamentarian Antonio Baldelli, the president of the Agriculture Commission in the Chamber Mirco Carloni, the president of the regional council Dino Latini, the regional councilors, Francesco Baldelli and Stefano Aguzzi and other members of the Marche Region and the regional council. The Police Headquarters of Pesaro and Urbino will attend the event with personnel from the Horse Department of the State Police. Two horses, with their respective riders, will move within the area used for the celebrations throughout the day. An opportunity to introduce participants to the Mounted Police Department, whose origins date back to the now distant 1860 but which, even today, despite the evolution of mechanical means, proves to be extremely useful and versatile in use. In fact, thanks to the constant training, the Teams of the Horse Department are employed in the most varied contexts and situations, both of representation, and of supervision and control of the territory, and of management of public order in large events.

A picket will be arranged by the 28th ‘Pavia’ Regiment, the single unit of the Armed Forces that deals with “Operational Communications”, co-organizers of the event, which will film Sunday and will make a video editing of the celebrations.

The provincial command of the Carabinieri will pay great attention to the event with the presence of a militia in full uniform, and will be present with the dog unit. There will also be a representation of the Fire Brigade. Guided tours will be carried out by the Carabinieri Forestry Unit.

The program on Saturday 22nd begins at dawn (5.30 am) with a concert, then a nature walk along the paths in the woods of the Sanctuary guided by expert botanists and historians. At 18 celebration of Holy Mass and at 20.30 spiritual concert through Lauds and Franciscan songs of yesterday and today, by the Ensemble “Compagnia delle Laudi” and Oratory on Blessed Thomas of Tolentino composed by Father Armando Pierucci. Sunday 23 July is full of appointments: at 11, Monsignor Sandro Salvucci presides over the Holy Mass in the presence of Father Simone Giampieri, Provincial Minister of the Picena Province of San Giacomo della Marca dei Frati Minori. The celebrations of the Holy Masses will follow at 17 and 18:30.

At 21 there will be a theatrical concert “Donna de Paradiso” by the Musicaparole Group: medieval and partly pre-Renaissance music alternating with texts by medieval and partly pre-Renaissance authors (Cantiones latinae, Laudi, Popular religious songs, Tablatures from the lute, Dances, Narrative songs, Pieces of the ancient European tradition) alternating with texts by medieval authors (St. Francis of Assisi, Jacopone da Todi, Giacomino da Verona, Dante Alighieri , Cecco Angiolieri).

In the Cloister of the Sanctuary there will be an exhibition of traditional embroidery by the women of Mombaroccio. And again art illustrations with engraving techniques by Aiia – International Academy of Artistic Engraving. Then again, the Workshop and Banco del Sarto: didactic-descriptive itinerary on the reconstruction of the historical dress of the late medieval and Renaissance period. In addition, an exhibition of pyrographed wood, a medieval table, the Tiziano Donzelli art studio and craft workshops on ancient crafts.

In the churchyard of the Sanctuary shows, historical re-enactment in costume with ancient crafts and medieval market. Safe spaces dedicated to children will be set up with historical wooden games and an educational farm ‘La Linfa’. Space for the historical re-enactment by the “Compagnia d’arme Feltria” of Urbino, of a military camp with period equipment, with various arrangements and unique pieces of furniture and clothing. Then again demonstrations of archery and crossbow shooting with the archers of Sant’Angelo.

An area will be dedicated to catering with the scents and flavors of the ancient peasant tradition with menus based on typical local products.

The initiatives of the VIII Centenary are in collaboration with the Diocese of Pesaro, the Diocese of Urbino, the Friars Minor guardians of the Sanctuary, the Picena Province of San Giacomo della Marca dei Frati Minori, the Fraternity of the secular Franciscan Order, the municipality of Mombaroccio, the municipality of Vallefoglia, the province of Pesaro and Urbino, the Marche Region, Confcommercio Marche Nord, Coldiretti, Bcc Banca di Pesaro, Pro Loco, Prefecture and For ze of the Order, with the special participation of the many volunteers who collaborate in the success of the event.

INFO: tel. +39 334 604 8617 |

2023-07-21 12:05:39
#years #Sanctuary #Blessed #Sante #celebrations #underway


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