Mohamed Haouas sentenced to 18 months in prison, nine of which are closed for “aggravated violence” in 2014

The French international pillar Mohamed Haouas was sentenced this Friday to a sentence of eighteen months in prison, including nine months firm, for facts dating back to January 1, 2014 in a case judged last May by the court of Montpellier. The 29-year-old Montpellier player then appeared with five other defendants for acts of violence in a meeting and destruction of equipment that occurred in the context of a violent fight on the sidelines of New Year’s Eve. On May 12, the prosecutor had required 24 months in prison accompanied by a probationary sentence of 36 months.

His lawyer, Me Marc Gallix, immediately announced that he wanted to appeal this decision because this new conviction of Mohamed Haouas comes on top of a one-year prison sentence for domestic violence, handed down only a few weeks ago and will not allow plus, as envisaged, an adjustment of the sentence, this possibility being capped at sentences of twelve months maximum.

Under contract with the ASM from July 1

This is the third conviction against Mohamed Haouas, 16 selections for the France team and dismissed from the next World Cup by Fabien Galthié, the coach of the Blues. On May 30, he was therefore sentenced to one year in prison by the Montpellier Criminal Court after brutalizing his wife in the shopping center where she worked because she smoked a cigarette. In February 2022, he had already been sentenced to eighteen months in prison suspended for burglaries of tobacco shops in Montpellier, in 2014.

Recruited last May by the Clermont-Ferrand club for a period of three seasons, Haouas, whose contract is due to take effect this Saturday, July 1, had partially won his case a few days ago before the industrial tribunal against to the ASM, which requested the suspension of the employment contract.


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