Michoacán’s Badminton Team Makes Historic Achievements at Pan American Games

Morelia, Mich (OEM – Infomex).- Despite having been one step away from winning a medal at the Badminton Junior Pan American Games, the coach of the Michoacan and national teams, Cynthia González Saavedra, considered that 2023 has been a historic year for discipline in the entity.

After the athletes Paola Pacheco and Valentina Marín lost the game for bronze against the United States, the talent trainer told Sol de Morelia that the balance remains positive, since she recalled that this year Michoacán won a medal at the Conade National Games for the first time in history.

“The boys were already able to realize that despite being a “new in the state” sport, they already have the level to compete against the national powers, therefore the little ones in the sub-13 category came with another perspective from the national qualifier, in such a way that they were among the top three, both in the men’s and women’s branches, which gave them their classification for this Pan American.”

In the same sense, he highlighted that they became the first generation of Michoacáns to represent Mexico in an international competition and the fact that they had come to compete for a bronze, he said that it gives them blanks so that in the future they appear stronger at the fair.

He added that one cannot forget that having the opportunity to fight for medals in badminton means facing the American powers that are the United States and Canada, where all their players are also of Asian descent.

“This gives them motivation to realize the level they want and can reach. As a coach I am extremely proud to see everything they have achieved, I know that we have a long way to go to be where we want to be, but I think we have already measured ourselves against the strongest level in America to know where we stand.”

The people from Michoacán who were part of the Mexican badminton team for this Pan American are Paola Pacheco, Iván Mora and Valentín Marín; the Aztec squad was made up of a total of 22 athletes and five coaches.

2023-07-20 20:52:06
#historic #year #badminton #Michoacán #coach #Sol #Morelia


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