Mexican Team Prevails Over Colombian Rivals in Archery Championship

It was the expected final, Mexican and Colombian, on the shooting line, to define the champions of the bow made up of teams from San Salvador 2023. The tercios had seen their faces in countless events, but it was missing here, in their region.

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The duel at the Archery range of the Ciudad Merliot Sports Center had classic overtones, especially if the gold medal was involved. Few sports raise as much tension as archery. The arrow that hits the center of the target and forces the follower to replicate it, in a repeated mechanism.

The Mexican team, made up of Andrea Becerra, Dafne Quintero and Ana Sofia Hernandez responded with personality to the Colombian attacks. They were not intimidated by repeated 10 shots, on the contrary, they always went for more.

The tricolors took advantage of a team weakness to gain an advantage from the first round, after an untimely eight that would end up being decisive. There was no lack of temper or aim to defend the points, despite the attempts by Sara López, Alejandra Usquiano and Juliana Gallegos to cut the disadvantage.

The Mexican team prevailed with a score of 236-239, a new record in this competition. Nor the intense rain that suddenly began to fall on stage deviated them from the objectivethey even closed with a perfect round, pure 10, so there was no doubt.


A little later it was the turn of the Mexicans, with the possibility of replicating the double gold achieved the day before, in the recurve bow. The Mexican third, made up of Miguel Becerra, Sebastian Garcia and Juan del Riofaced the Centro Caribe Sports team, in a duel that soon became complicated for Mexico, when they fell by two points in the first round.

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Despite the efforts, the Guatemalan team showed courage not to leave the yellow zone. The advantage was definitive to take the gold. Mexico accused the pressure and far from getting close in the last round ended up succumbing with a score of 233-230. The disappointment was evident in the Mexican team, which dreamed of gold.

2023-07-04 20:23:48
#Mexico #gold #Archery #Classic #Colombia


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