Lazio Wins Cup of the Regions, Defeating Tuscany and Veneto

Cup of the Regions: Lazio wins ahead of Tuscany and Veneto


Type: National

Lazio repeats last year’s victory reaching 4 victories. Second place for Tuscany which surpasses Veneto in extremis

The XXII Italian Cup of the Regions 2023 – Gino Mattielli Memorial concluded in Abbadia San Salvatore. For the second consecutive year, the Lazio team cheered which, after a series of overtaking and counter-overtaking due to the bonus points awarded at the end of each match for the individual gold medal, managed to win its fourth victory after those of 2017, 2018 and 2022.
The team chaired by Ernesto Carucci counted, for field shooting, Massimiliano Vasta, Francesco Berardi, Valerio Angelici, Eugenia Gelenga and Claudia Compagnucci, for the target shooting youth classes Leonardo Pace, Cristian Riposo, Antonio Doroteo Simione, Carlo Licordari, Giulia Mainolfi, Giada Pia D’Aguanno, Ludovica Rosati and Beatrice Conti, while Antonio Alessi, Fabio Molfese, Rachele Bigi and Alessia D’Errico were on the shooting line for the senior target shooting. Behind Lazio, who finish with 12,461 points, are the hosts of Tuscany (12,389) who managed in extremis to get behind Veneto (12,348), who beat Emilia Romagna by a handful of points (12,343), leaving at the foot of the podium. Following, Piedmont fifth (11,982), Lombardy sixth (11,958), Liguria seventh (11,285), Sicily eighth (11,122), Umbria ninth (10,821), Marche tenth (10,268), Sardinia eleventh ( 10,162), Trento twelfth (10,162), Campania thirteenth (10,132), Friuli Venezia Giulia fourteenth (10,005), Puglia fifteenth (9,987), Abruzzo sixteenth (9,365), Calabria seventeenth (8,990), eighteenth Alto Adige – Sudtirol (8,896), Basilicata nineteenth (7,009), Valle D’Aosta twentieth (6,037) and Molise twenty-first (5,259).
The final classification was therefore the result of individual performances in the three races that make up the composition, with some matches determining the final classification. First of all those of the youth classes that allowed Lazio to overtake their opponents and earn the first step of the podium, while it was the field shooting finals that allowed the hosts Tuscany to reach the second position, overcoming the final to the photo finish Veneto and Emilia Romagna.

I STAR COMPETITION – In the competition dedicated to senior and master target shooting, the hosts Tuscany won the classification by Regions, finishing ahead of Piedmont and Lazio.
In the men’s recurve, Emanuele Magrini (Tuscany) wins gold, beating Edoardo Sportiello Sghirinzetti (Lombardy) 7-3, bronze to Antonio Giuffrida (Sicily) who beats Matteo Fissore (Emilia Romagna) with the same result; in the women’s recurve Loredana Spera (Tuscany) takes first place with a 6-2 win over Nicole Degani (Piedmont), while third place goes to Alessia D’Errico (Lazio) who gets the better of Sara Antoniazzi (Emilia Romagna) by 7 -1.
In the men’s compound Alex Zanardo (Veneto) wins the gold against Roberto Dottori (Umbria) 141-136, bronze goes to Marco Galfione (Piedmont) who beats Paolo Garavello (Sardinia) 146-141; among women Rachele Bigi (Lazio) gives very important points for the standings by beating Anna Rocca (Liguria) 142-139 in the final, while Francesca Aloisi (Piedmont) is third by winning 140-138 over Giuseppina Parolisi (Tuscany).

II STAR RACE – The points awarded with the challenges of the youth classes were really heavy for the purposes of the final result, with Lazio in first place in the team rankings followed by Emilia Romagna and Veneto.
Among the Junior men’s recurve Lorenzo Randoli (Emilia Romagna) is first thanks to the 6-2 over ​Antonio Doroteo Simione (Lazio)​, with ​Lorenzo Pierangioli (Tuscany)​ who prevails in the match for the bronze over ​Giacomo Cassini (Liguria)​ for 7-1; Ludovica Rosati (Lazio) celebrated the gold medal in the women, beating Alice Ravoni (Tuscany) 6-4, while Alice Compagno (Veneto) gained third place against Irene Messina (Sicily ) with the same result.
​In the men’s recurve pupils category ​yet another sharp from Lazio with the victory of the gold by Cristian Riposo (Lazio)​ who gets the first place overcoming 6-2​ Simone Vernocchi (Emilia Romagna)​, while ​​Riccardo Dilecce ( Lombardy)​ is bronze with 6-4​ ​over ​Andrea Falchetti (Umbria)​;​ in the women​ Nicole Passarella (Veneto)​ conquers the gold by beating 6-4 Arianna Luciani (Abruzzo)​, third place for ​Giulia Caruso (Campania) winning over Giada Pia D’Aguanno (Lazio) 6-4.​
Among the boys ​​Umberto Ungarelli (Emilia Romagna)​ is gold thanks to 6-2​ ​over ​Mattia Manditto (Tuscany)​, while Riccardo Castelli (Lombardy)​ takes the bronze with 6-2 over​ ​Pietro D’Andrea (Veneto)​;​ in the women’s Matilde Manini (Lombardy)​ gets the first place with the 7-1 against ​Giada Marengo (Piedmont)​. Third ​Sofia Quarta (Puglia) ​winning 6-4 over​ Evelina Feliziani (Marche).
For the men’s junior compound division Mattia Corgiat Loia (Piedmont)​ gets on the top step of the podium beating 138-136 ​Leonardo Pace (Lazio)​, while ​Jonas Andergassen (Bolzano)​ wins the bronze with 136-127 over Alessio Corona (Friuli Venezia Giulia);​ in the women​ gold is Rebecca Trianni (Puglia)​ beating 132-127​ Giorgia Montaldi (Abruzzo)​, third place for ​​Veronica Pannacci (Umbria)​ with the 138-124 on ​Ilaria Candido (Marches).

III STAR COMPETITION – In the field shooting specialty, the ranking by regions rewards Veneto in first place ahead of Emilia Romagna and Tuscany.​
Emanuele Garofoli (Umbria)​ takes first place in the men’s bare arc, beating 53-51 ​Stefano Reggiani (Piedmont)​, bronze for ​Simone Barbieri (Emilia Romagna)​ who beats ​57-46 Erik Guida (Lombardy );​ among the women​ the victory of​ Florentina Cristina Bacin (Tuscany)​ was decisive for the second place of the hosts, who defeated ​Veronica Durante (Veneto) 49-47, while Cristina Greco (Sicily)​ takes third place​ ​with 42-40 on​ Fabia Rovatti (Emilia Romagna)​.​
In the men’s Olympic arc gold medal for Andrea Monego (Veneto) winning 49-48 over Pietro Nardon (Lombardy). Third ​Matteo Congedo (Trento​) who overtook Francesco Verga (Marche) with the same result; in the women ​Jessica La Terra (Sicily)​ celebrates first place with 54-51​ over Gloria Barnabò (Veneto)​, while ​Sara Noceti (Liguria)​ takes third place overtaking ​Debora Pinna (Sardinia)​ 56-51.​
In the men’s compound division Roberto Carosati (Tuscany)​ wins the final 66-60 Francesco Sparvoli (Marche)​ securing other decisive points for his region, with the bronze going to ​Samuele Tironi (Lombardy)​ who beats 65-64 ​Mattia Vieceli (Piedmont); in the women’s first place for Ilaria Spanu (Sardinia) who beats Elisa Ricci (Emilia Romagna) 60-54, while Eugenia Gelanga (Lazio) is third with 59-55 over Anna Puricelli ( Lombardy).​

Fair Play Award – During the awards ceremony, there was also space for the fair play plaque, which was presented to the young archer from Friuli Venezia Giulia, Elena Spitz: during the direct clashes, the athlete in the female Boys class signaled to the referee that she was about to to shoot a second shoot-off arrow, of having lost the shoot-off because his arrow was actually further from the center of the target, effectively assigning the victory to his opponent.

2002 Piedmont
2003 Emilia Romagna
2004 Lombardy
2005 Piedmont
2006 Emilia Romagna
2007 Piedmont
2008 Piedmont
2009 Piedmont
2010 Lombardy
2011 Lombardy
2012 Lombardy
2013 Piedmont
2014 Veneto
2015 Veneto
2016 Piedmont
2017 Lazio
2018 Lazio
2019 Lombardy
2020 not contested
2021 Lombardy
2022 Lazio
2023 Lazio

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2023-07-16 16:56:33
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