Keep Kids Active and Entertained This Winter Break with Sports Clinics

Looking to keep kids active and entertained this winter break, more than 30 clubs across the country are offering a wide variety of sports clinics. From soccer to tennis to water sports, the little ones will have the opportunity to participate in exciting recreational activities.

The easycancha platform, renowned for its rental of sports spaces, has facilitated access to these clinics through its application, allowing parents to quickly find opportunities and register their children in the closest and most convenient options.

One of the outstanding proposals is the winter camp “Winterland” in the Sports City of the San Sebastián University. Aimed at children between the ages of 4 and 12, this experience promises fun and learning through educational games, swimming, zumba, basketball, judo and soccer. In addition, special sports talks will be held, including a clinic with the Chilean Rugby team Los Cóndores.

Other alternatives are the Club Sport Francés, located in the eastern part of Santiago, and the Marbella Country Club in Maitencillo, who also offer sports activities for minors. In the “Winter Camp” of the capital, between July 3 and 14, children will be able to explore activities such as hockey, soccer, yoga, tennis, among others. While, in Marbella, participants will have access to enjoy golf and racket sports, in a privileged coastal setting.

According to experts, these types of activities are an excellent opportunity for the little ones to stay physically active and acquire sports skills, while enjoying their free time during the holidays. In addition, they promote values ​​such as companionship and self-improvement.

2023-07-06 17:10:06
#clubs #nationwide #offer #sports #clinics #children #winter #holidays #AdPrensa


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