“Joaquín called me to convince me but I was already convinced”

“I want to show that I have football and hunger to continue winning”


The new Real Betis midfielder Francisco Alarcón ‘Isco’ was “happy” at the start of a new stage at the Verdiblanco club, seeking to repeat the success he experienced with Manuel Pellegrini at Málaga, while revealing a conversation with Joaquín Sánchez, although he was already “convinced”.

“Very good, happy. The reception in the dressing room has been very good. I knew many of them. Everything is being very easy, very pleasant and I am very happy to be here,” he said this Thursday in statements to Betis TV, one day after his signing.

Isco was asked about the reunion with Pellegrini. “We are both very happy to work together again after 11 years. We are living a very beautiful time and I hope it is repeated at Betis”, he stated.

“Joaquín called me to convince me but I was already convinced. Everyone has spoken very well about the club, the fans, the atmosphere in the dressing room, which I can see through the networks. It has all been very easy and I don’t see It’s time to start,” he confessed.

In addition, Isco, who changed neighborhoods in the Andalusian capital after playing for Sevilla last season, highlighted the importance of having closed the transfer early in order to take advantage of the preseason. “The good thing about the signing being closed soon is that I can get into the team’s dynamics, it’s important,” he said.

“We have two interesting games in Mexico and San Francisco and hopefully I can get minutes to pick up my pace and help my teammates. I really want to go back. Soccer is what I’m passionate about, competing, it’s where I have fun and where I feel I am I really. To show that I have football and hunger to continue winning, “he finished.

2023-07-27 21:54:20
#Joaquín #called #convince #convinced


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