Jan Meijer and Esther van Diepen Organize 24-Hour Badminton Tournament for Charity

WEZEP – Jan Meijer and Esther van Diepen, both members of Badminton’80, will organize a 24-hour badminton tournament on Friday 8 and Saturday 9 September in the Kamphal in Wezep. They themselves want to play badminton for 24 hours in a row. The tournament starts at 5:00 PM on Friday and ends at 5:00 PM on Saturday.

‘We do this for charity, Stichting Hartekind. We want to raise as much money as possible for this great cause,’ Esther says. Her daughter was born with a complex heart defect, so she knows from her own experience how important Stichting Hartekind is.

Stichting Hartekind raises funds to finance scientific research into heart defects in children. And that’s important! Every year, 1,500 children are born with a heart defect. With 25,000 children in the Netherlands, this is even the largest congenital abnormality. Unfortunately, 150 children die from this condition every year. The aim of Stichting Hartekind is to increase children’s chances of survival and to improve the daily quality of life.

Jan and Esther are looking for people who want to come and play badminton so that they don’t have to do it alone. You can register via [email protected]. A donation is of course welcome, this can be done via www.stichtinghartekind.nl

2023-07-03 08:12:34
#hours #badminton #Stichting #Hartekind


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