Incode 2023 Summer Course Offers Fun and Formative Activities for Children

Thursday, July 06, 2023 5:20 pm + –

It will be from July 24 to August 11 at the Morelos Sports Unit

From July 24 to August 11, the Morelos Sports Unit will host the Incode 2023 Summer Course, which is intended for girls and boys from 6 to 12 years of age, as reported this Thursday at a press conference by the director of Incode, Alejandro Rodriguez Alvarado.

He added that the course will be from Monday to Friday from 9 in the morning to 1 in the afternoon and the objective is to create a space where different physical and recreational activities are carried out, which enrich their training and education that, in addition, are fun and formative. safe.

For his part, the coordinator of the course, Julio Vergara Montaño, mentioned that there will be sports, recreational, aquatic and craft activities, closing with a camp.

Registrations have a cost of 900 pesos, and interested persons must fill out the registration form, present a medical certificate of the child, issued by any medical institution, a copy of the voter identification card of the person who will pick up the minor ; Registration includes shirt, cap and sports cylinder for hydration; there will be a discount for daughters and sons of the unionized workers of the Government of the State of Colima.

Likewise, Jaime César Pérez Rodríguez, coordinator of coaches, added that there will be activity in 11 sports: in the Paralympic, basketball; in the Strength and Combat Gymnasium, taekwondo; in the Porfirio Gutiérrez Romero auditorium, volleyball; in the Incode room, chess; on the tartan track, athletics; in the synthetic field, soccer and tochito; on the covered court, handball; multifunctional auditorium, baseball 5 and badminton; and obviously swimming in the pool, where they will seek to get sporting talent through visories.

José Luis Martínez Ruiz, coordinator of aquatic activities, stressed that they will work in a safe environment, where portable pools will be installed.

To know more details or any information, you can consult the Incode page:
where you can also download the registration forms; on the Facebook page of Incode or at the phone number: 312-314-8930.

Francisco Javier Espiritu Gomez

2023-07-06 23:36:14
#Colima #Newspaper


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