How to achieve a healthy diet if you work nights?

When the work day is carried out in the night shift, desynchronosis occurs, with alteration of circadian rhythms.

Sleep becomes insufficient and eating patterns are modified.

This has an impact on health, since symptoms of rejection by the organism that resists change appear, generating digestive and nervous disordersas well as other consequences derived from the above.

One of the most complex challenges is adapting a healthy diet to night time, so that the body receives the necessary nutrients to face the workload, adjusting its metabolism.

Circadian rhythms, or biological rhythms, are present in all physiological functions.

They are manifested in changes in respiratory rate, gastrointestinal activity, cardiac activity, body temperature, endocrine secretion, etc.

so that one person subject to night work conditionssuffers functional disturbances that make it more prone to developing pathologies such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, gastritis, etc.

It is important to consider diet planning for those who work the night shiftestablishing a nutritional balance at times that allow the intake of three main meals and two other snacks, with low fat and sugar content.

Eating healthy foods makes working the night shift less of a hassle. The fundamental thing is to provide the body with the energy to stay active, avoid fatigue and facilitate a restful sleep at the end of the activity.

Below we leave a healthy menu proposal, considering 11:00 p.m. as the start of the shift, keep in mind that this must be adjusted to each person.

Dinner (7:30 p.m.)120 gr. baked or grilled fish. 1 cup of brown rice. 1 cup of cooked vegetables (zucchini, broccoli, cabbage…). 1 apple.Merienda 1 (22:30 h)1 cup of natural yogurt or kefir with 1 tablespoon of nuts and ½ cup of chopped kiwis. You can add some protein powder to the kefir and it will give it a flavor boost as well as improve it nutritionally.Lunch (01:30 h)3 rice or corn cakes, with 1 teaspoon of hummus and turkey.Breakfast (06:30 a.m.)2 slices of wholemeal bread 2 grilled or boiled eggs 1 chamomile tea or relaxing infusion (without sugar) 1 banana if your total caloric requirements include it.Rest period (8 hours of sleep)Lunch (2:30 p.m.)1 cup of pumpkin cream. 120grs. of roasted chicken breast.½ cup of legumes.½ cup of raw salad with lettuce, tomato and cucumber.1 pear or apple.

What to eat if you work nights?

The ideal is include rations that contain the necessary nutrients throughout the day. Here are some suggestions for eating healthy at different times.

Before work

Before starting work, it is recommended to eat a portion that provides enough energy. The main course in this case would be dinner, which may include, for example, one of the following options:

120 gr. steamed fish + 2 baked potatoes with skin + 1 cup of sautéed vegetables + 1 apple. 120 grs. cooked or grilled chicken, seasoned with onion and paprika + 1 cup of brown rice or pasta + fresh rocket, cucumber and olive salad + 1 tangerine.

during work

Foods to include in intermediate snacks can be:

1 cup of coffee with skim milk or vegetable milk + 3 whole-grain toasts. 1 cup of fruit salad with flax seeds.

Before sleep

one is recommended light and nutritious snack so that the body rests better. Some suggestions are:

30 grams. of nuts + 2 slices of low-fat cheese or fresh cheese. 2 scrambled eggs + 2 whole wheat toast.

What vitamins to take if I work at night? essential supplements

Although we can obtain essential vitamins to stay healthy through food, in certain cases it is necessary to take essential supplements so that it is possible to supplement the required dose.

When working at night, the body is subjected to a great stress load due to to changes in biological cycles, which generates fatigue, decreasing energy capacity, affecting oxidative and hormonal function, etc. Below we explain which vitamins to take if you work at night, as well as why it is important to include melatonin.

Vitamina B (B12)

Vitamin B, specifically B12, provides energy to the body, contributes to the functioning of the nervous system, immune system and helps reduce fatigue.

Liquid Vitamin B12 from EssentialSeries.

For these reasons, its intake through supplements is recommended for people who work during the night shift.

Vitamin D3

One of the most important recommendations from specialists is to consume vitamin D3 supplements.

Vitamin D plays a key role in calcium absorption to build strong bones and prevent osteoporosis; Also in strengthening muscles.

Vitamina D3 4000UI from EssentialSeries.

This nutrient is produced by the body through sunlight. Workers on night shifts may be at greater risk of brittle bones from vitamin D deficiency, as night shifts limit sun exposure.

Vitamin C and E

Vitamin C plays an important role in protecting cells against oxidative damage. On the other hand, vitamin C acts to regenerate the reduced form of vitamin E.

Vitamin C from EssentialSeries.

The adverse effects of chronic oxidative stress include an increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Vitamin E 400UI from EssentialSeries.

Vitamin C and vitamin E are antioxidants that can reduce this risk, to which people are subjected by the disturbance of the circadian rhythm in the night shift.


Melatonin is the hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle.

The body naturally produces more of this hormone to induce sleep in response to darkness. During the night shift, the sleep-wake cycle can be disrupted, leading to fatigue and insomnia during work.

Melatonin Complex from EssentialSeries.

Some studies support the use of melatonin for night shift workers to help them fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and have more energy while awake.

Tips for a balanced diet during night shifts

Some tips are very useful when preparing meals for an adequate diet when working at night:

Structure the daily menu with three main meals and two intermediate snacks, establishing a constant eating schedule.Cook at home to ensure the quality of the food and take it to work, avoiding skipping a meal on the schedule.The portions to be consumed during the day should include all macronutrient and micronutrient groups.Avoid excessively fatty preparations.Limit the consumption of sugars.Drink at least eight glasses of water a day, maintaining adequate hydration.

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2023-07-17 11:30:34
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