Holguín Earns Three Third Place Finishes in National School Games

Photos: Jit.cu

Holguín got three third places for sports in the first week of the National School Games, whose competitions will continue from the 9th to the 17th of this month.

Holguín as a province is sixth with 146 points. This territory agreed to participate in 26 of the 33 sports of the competitive program this year, in the School Games.

Chess, rowing and tennis were the disciplines located in the third position. Regarding the positions of last year, the Science Game improved by one position, the tennis players advanced by six places and the rowers equaled what was done in 2022.

In the rest of the sports, which had battles in the first week of the Escolares, this province was located as follows: fencing (fourth), rhythmic gymnastics (fifth), beach volleyball (sixth), artistic gymnastics (seventh, first in the female), athletics and taekwondo (eighth), karate and weights (tenth), skating (eleventh) and baseball (fourteenth).

Also fifth in women’s water polo, seventh in men’s handball and fourteenth in wrestling for women.

Alberto Gijón, head of High Performance Sports in this province, considers these results preliminary, as there are some claims to analyze.

Of the events to go into action, judo will take place in the gym of the Eide Pedro Díaz Coello in Holguin.

Related article:

Historic medal for Holguin tennis

Author: Calixto González Betancourt


Master in Social Communication, Graduate in Journalism. Specialized in sports themes. Responsible for the Column “In this Series” for more than 30 years.

2023-07-06 16:31:31
#Holguín #sixth #National #School #Games


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